Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for my Retirement 7 (light novel)

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Just as business in the New World is starting to look stable, Mitsuha learns that something hostile is afoot in the Kingdom of Vanel… They’re on the brink of war!

All of her hard work will go to waste if she doesn’t do something to stop her enemy from gaining too much power.

Time to get busy! Training the Zeglusian navy, planning a maritime warfare tactic… How will Mitsuha use her world-jumping ability to solve the crisis?

Meanwhile, our busy heroine has no idea of the tension running between…Beatrice and Colette?!

Behold, the (fabricated) miracles of the Goddess!

ISBN-13: 9781647294052
Language: English
Format: Paperback | 228 pages
Author: Funa
Publisher: Kodansha
Publication date: 02/25/2025
Series: Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement
Genres: Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Isekai | Slice of Life | Shōnen | Supernatural

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