Bulk Ordering
Please note that to qualify for bulk purchasing, you must order at least 10 copies or more of the same volume.
Information Needed When Requesting a Quote for a Bulk Order
If you would like to place a bulk order, please email info@MangaMart.com with the following details.
- Name, phone number, and company/institution.
- Date when the titles need to arrive (MM/DD/YYYY)
- Ship-to address (including City, State, and Zip).
- Ship-to phone number.
Price Quotes & Inventory Checks
Price Quotes for volume orders are valid for 30 days. If a quote is accepted after the 30-day period, please email info@MangaMart.com to ensure pricing has not changed. We will check inventory at the time of the quote. However, until we receive confirmation of the order, we cannot confirm whether or not the quantity you've requested is available.
Shipping and Delivery
Bulk orders can not be shipped to multiple addresses. Depending on the type of order, the order due date, and any special circumstances, shipping and handling fees may or may not apply.
Standard taxes apply to bulk orders. If your organization is tax-exempt, you will be asked to provide a tax-exempt number and/or certificate.
Bulk Order Return Policy
All bulk sales are non-returnable.
Additional Questions
If you have any additional questions or comments, please email info@MangaMart.comr for assistance.