The new shonen action manga from the creator of Magi is here! Musashi is a teenager living under demon rule. As children, he and his best friend made a promise: to become the greatest warriors in the world and overthrow the demons. But life intervenes, and five years later, he finds himself about to become a miner. Yet can Musashi truly be satisfied with a "normal" life?
With the battle to reclaim Awaji Island quickly approaching, Musashi begins training furiously with Amako to link up his blade energy. Things start looking up when Michiru lends a hand, but suddenly she and Musashi are enveloped in a huge obsidian crystal. As events spiral out of control, the secret of Michiru’s past comes to light!
ISBN-13: 9781646514267
Language: English
Format: Paperback | 208 pages
Author: Shinobu Ohtaka
Publisher: Kodansha
Publication date: 4/05/2022
Series: Orient