Ever since a cosmic phone call brought the literal young goddess Belldandy into college student Keiichi’s residence, his personal life has been turned upside-down, sideways, and sometimes even into strange dimensions!
The fourth goddess, Peorth, arrives in Keiichi's make it more complicated than ever! Peorth, mistress of roses, is in the same business as Belldandy—granting wishes to mortals. Keiichi thinks there must be some mistake, as he already has Belldandy in his life...but Peorth is certain he can't really be satisfied, or else how was he able to contact her? Now she's determined to stick around until Keiichi admits what he really she can grant it!
ISBN-13: 9781506700526
Language: English
Format: Paperback | 568
Author: Kosuke Fujishima
Publisher: Dark Horse
Publication date: 08/09/2016
Series: Oh My Goddess!
Genres: Action | Adventure | Comedy | Drama | Fantasy | Magic | Romance | Seinen | Slice of life | Supernatural