The treasure hunt to rule Japan continues in the obstacle-filled Sea of Trees around Mt. Fuji! Amidst the battles between representatives from all the different nations, Kazuki crosses swords with the leader of the Pro-Sword Party, Hidetada. In the middle of their battle, the Russian Tsarina Ilyaelia enters the fray—equipped with one of Japan’s Three Sacred Treasures, the Eight Tan Mirror! Can Kazuki win against the most powerful Russian Tsarina? Can he claim the sacred birthright of his homeland?!
ISBN-13: 9781638586067
Language: English
Format: Paperback | 156 Pages
Author: Mitsuki Mihara
Illustrator: Monrin
Publisher: Seven Seas
Publication Date: 09/19/2023
Series: Magika Swordsman and Summoner
Genres: Action | Comedy | Drama | Ecchi | Fantasy | Romance | Seinen