Touru has found an unexpected new ally in the leader of the Thieves’ Guild, Miri. With her coming along, Touru’s party has grown again. However, despite his accomplishments in the Otherworld, an ominous shadow descends on his real life in Tachikawa. It seems his concerned coworkers have taken it upon themselves to check in on the wellbeing of their colleague, even if it means busting into his apartment to find out! Touru’s other life is perilously close to exposure–will he be able to protect his Otherworldly secret?!
ISBN-13: 9781638582588
Language: English
Format: Paperback | 144 pages
Author: Tougoku Hudou
Illustrator: Takoya Kiyoshi
Publisher: Seven Seas
Publication date: 05/30/2023
Series: My Room is a Dungeon Rest Stop
Genres: Adventure | Comedy | Ecchi | Fantasy | Isekai | Romance | Seinen