Extra-dimensional beings known as the Nova have invaded our garden world, hellbent on wiping humanity off the face of the planet. The only hope is a specialized force of genetically-engineered female Pandora and their male partners known as Limiters, who represent the last line of defense against a monstrous foe.
Kazuya Aoi is a teenager Limiter who enrolls in the prestigious West Genetics Academy. Having made a promise to his fallen Pandora sister, Kazuya must overcome his grief and become the best he can be. Enter second-year student Satellizer el Bridget, a frigidly beautiful and ruthless Pandora who has never lost a battle simulation. Can Kazuya pierce through her icy exterior and win her trust? More importantly, can he ready himself for an impending war?
ISBN-13: 9781626921979
Language: English
Format: Paperback | 180 pages
Author: Dall-Young Lim, Kwang-Hyun Kim
Publisher: Seven Seas
Publication date: 06/23/2015
Series: Freezing
Genres: Action | Comedy | Drama | Ecchi | Mature | Fantasy | Magic | School Life | Seinen