Mavis, the future first master of Fairy Tail, lives with her best friend Zera on Sirius Island. At six years old, Mavis is just a simple bookworm who dreams of meeting fairies someday. In the year X686, treasure hunters invade Sirius Island, forcing Mavis to take flight and embark on a fantastical adventure! She etches the joys and sorrows of each new encounter and heartbreaking farewell into her memory, and finally figures out her ultimate goal…
The spellbinding story behind the founding of the wizard guild Fairy Tail!
ISBN-13: 9781632362841
Language: English
Format: Paperback | 272 pages
Author: Hiro Mashima
Publisher: Kodansha
Publication date: 07/12/2016
Series: Fairy Tail Series
Genres: Action | Adventure | Fantasy | Magic | Shōnen