Once hailed as humanity’s greatest hope, Eren has since become unrecognizable. With the Attack Titan now morphed into a grotesque, colossal skeleton of its former self, Eren continues to control the wave of Titans laying waste to the world, extinguishing countless homes, towns, and lives in their wake. In order to salvage what’s left of humanity, Mikasa, Armin, and the Survey Corps decide to confront Eren head-on. But to stop the Rumbling, they’ll have to dedicate much more than their hearts...
ISBN-13: 9781646510269
Language: English
Format: Paperback | 192 pages
Author: Hajime Isayama
Publisher: Kodansha
Publication date: 5/4/2021
Series: Attack on Titan
Genres: Action | Drama | Fantasy | Horror | Mystery | Psychological | Shōnen | Supernatural | Tragedy