A new spin-off manga for the hit series A Certain Scientific Railgun! Hokaze Junko, one of the top “handmaidens” of Shokuhou Misaki, has always blended into the background of Tokiwadai–an easy feat when you go to an all-girls’ school full of powerful psychics. But when a ghostly figure starts stalking her, Junko is suddenly the center of attention! As Junko investigates her stalker, she starts to learn new things about her classmates...and herself!
ISBN-13: 9781642750362
Language: English
Format: Paperback | 180 pages
Author: Kazuma Kamachi, Yasuhito Nogi
Publisher: Seven Seas
Publication date: 02/19/2019
Series: A Certain Scientific Railgun
Genres: Action | Comedy | Magic | School Life | Sci Fi | Supernatural