The estimated delivery date of your MangaMart order and the shipping cost depends on which delivery speed you select during checkout, which factors in item availability, processing time, and transit time. Shipping times shown on reflect how long the shipment will take to arrive after leaving the shipping facility, not after you place the order.

After your order has been placed, you can track your order status here.

Business Days are Monday through Friday, excluding holidays observed by the Post Office and UPS, such as New Year's Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.

Delivery dates are not guaranteed. Sometimes the availability of the items in your order may change while we are processing your order.


We will ship any items we have available immediately and ship the items that are pre-ordered or back-ordered immediately when we have them available.

We will only ship orders out in one shipment. Therefore, if your order contains a pre-ordered or back-ordered item along with in stock item, we will only ship your order out once we have received the pre-ordered or back-ordered item. If you want to revive the in-stock item ASAP, you must place two orders; one for the items we have in stock and one for pre-ordered or back-ordered items.

LIABILITY is responsible for a package only until the carrier confirms that the order has been delivered for all deliveries. If the tracking information we have for you shows that the order has been delivered, but you have not received your package, please get in touch with our customer support department by email at, or click here to submit a support request. Be sure to include your name and order confirmation number in your message. We will be happy to investigate the matter with the shipper, but we cannot credit orders if the tracking number shows the package as being delivered (with or without signature).


If your order could not be delivered due to an issue we caused and was returned to us by the carrier, we will reship it for free. However, if the problem was due to you providing an invalid or the wrong address and the order was returned to us by the carrier, we will require you to pay for the reshipment to the correct address.